Real Estate: It can Make you or Break you

This is the excerpt for a placeholder post.

“Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.” -Suze Orman

Homeownership is the  American Dream

Financial experts, like Suze Orman, advocate


Like many Americans I’ve watched countless hours of HGTV, spent even more hours fantasizing about one day being on Househunters , waiting for my turn to find that perfect home to call my own, or that fixer upper to put my mark on. In 2015 I decided it was my time to stop dreaming and make this into a reality…

There she is pictured above, my first home.

Hello and Bienvenidos

This is the excerpt for your very first post.

Welcome to my blog! I’m glad you’re here. Perhaps the word “wealth” in the title is what brought you here. Before I build up any expectations I cannot meet, let me clarify what I mean by that word.

What is MY definition of wealth?

Perhaps the word “wealth” in the title is what brought you here. Before I build up any expectations I cannot meet, let me clarify what I mean by that word. I am not speaking of Donald Trump or Bill Gates or Beyoncé like wealth here. My notion of wealth is more along the lines of financial independence, having enough to live life plentifully and enough to pass down to your children to do the same. If that  aligns with what you’re looking for, please read on…

You’re still reading…  Awesome! Now let’s further dissect the name I chose for this blog. This will give you a little more insight into who I am and what this is all about.

What is first-generation wealth to ME?

I am a first-generation immigrant to the United States, a first- generation college graduate, a first-generation master’s degree holder, among other things. My goal is be a first-generation “wealthy person” as well. I have read many books, articles, blogs on personal finance that have been very educational for me. However, I have not yet read a book that addresses building up personal finances [wealth] as a first-generation person. Being first-generation comes with unique challenges, quirks, and experiences. I can think of challenges that my second, third and umpteenth generation friends have never had to consider in their lives. Anything from relatives that don’t speak English to culturally different perspectives about money can add layers of complication to the already complex process of upward mobility. I plan on getting into more details about these topics and how I cope with them.

Why the Question Mark?

I have been on the quest for financial independence for many years. Initially my journey was grossly misguided and led down paths that did not lead to my ultimate goal. I have since lived, learned, made mistakes, and read A LOT. I now feel that I’m on the right path and have seen progress in the past year. My goal is to retire early from “the rat race” and develop a substantial passive income that’ll allow me to enjoy other life pursuits (i.e. travel, charitable work, raising a family) in my early retirement. While I have not yet achieved that goal, hence the implied uncertainty, but I’m on my way and am documenting my personal  journey to track progress and in hopes that it may help someone else who is in similar shoes.